THE LORD OF THE RINGS (1978) BluRay 720p & 1080p

Download THE LORD OF THE RINGS (1978) BluRay 720p & 1080p Now!

A young Hobbit named Frodo (Guard) is thrown on an amazing adventure, when he is appointed the job of destroying the one ring which was created by the dark lord Sauron. He is assigned with warriors including Gandalf (Squire), Aragorn (Hurt) and Boromir (Cox). It's not going to be an easy journey for the Fellowship of the Ring, on the ultimate quest to rid Middle-Earth of all evil.

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Kualitas : BluRay
Negara : Usa
Bintang film : Christopher Guard, John Hurt, Michael Scholes, William Squire
Sutradara : Ralph Bakshi
Genre : Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
IMD : b6.2 / 10 from 26,453 users
Diterbitkan : November 15, 1978

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Download THE LORD OF THE RINGS (1978) BluRay 720p & 1080p

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